Friday 12 March 2010

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Final Film Screen Grab Evaluation
These are my nine screen grabs of our final piece that I have chosen to evaluate and write about how they are typical or not of opening sequences of the same genre.

Frame 1- Title of Film: This screen grab of our Title of the film is quite similar to other Action films I have looked at and analysed, It is quite simple but very bold as the white font on the black background compliments each other and makes the title very vibrant. Most Action films have a title that creates an impact on the audience so combining the bold title and the sound of an explosion emphasises it. It is a typical action film title so I think we have done well at showing it. The music also goes silent just before the explosion happens, we have also made the title stay on the screen over the next shot of the exploded train so the audience really focus on the title.

Frame 2- Setting/Location: This screenshot is of our two characters chasing each other, which happens in typical action films. I chose this screenshot as there is a lot of background in the image, which shows the setting and the location, you can see trees and bushes which shows the audience that the film is set in the woods and is obviously outside. Quite a lot of typical action films have chase scenes some where in the film and the chase normally happens in either some where very busy, e.g. a city, or some where un-expected. We chose un-expected to create a sense of realism. I think the setting and location we have used is quite typical for an action genre.

Frame 3- Costumes and Props: I have used this image as it has our only prop in the image, The phone is key to the film because it helps develop the story. I have also used it as you can just see one of the actor's sleeves, which shows costume. Both the characters are wearing very dull colours based around black and dark blue, they are very mysterious colours and are used commonly in action films. The main characters in action films normally wear casual/smart clothes and I think we have shown this well. The bad guy in our opening sequence also wears dull colours but he is not wearing as smart clothes as the good character, which shows he is not too fussed about his appearance and in action films the bad people normally wear quite dirty and casual clothes and are not very appealing. We have showed the contrast in our main characters quite well. The wife in our opening sequence is also wearing very casual clothes, like in action films.

Frame 4- Camera Work and Editing: I have chosen this shot from our opening sequence because in this shot we have used match on action quite well. The characters in the chase jump over an object that is in the middle of the path they are running on, we see them jump over it and then the camera changes round to see them land on the other side. We have used a variety of different shots to show them running and also the shots are quick like in typical action films to create speed and keep the audience wondering if the bad guy will get caught. We used both handheld and tripod shots to show the characters from different angles. Action films use a range of shots from handheld to up high, then from below. There is a part where Lewis receives a text, I think we could of improved this but apart from that I think we have used camera work effectively and our editing was quick.

Frame 5- Title Font and Style: I have used this screen shot because it shows the title font and the style we have used. Like the title of the film it is very bold and uses contrasting colours to make it stand out. Action films use simple but effective fonts and colours to show the titles.

Frame 6- Story and how the opening sets it up: I chose this screen grab for showing the story because it is of a train which is what the opening sequence is based on. The story you find out in the opening sequence is that Lewis is playing a good guy and is chasing Simon who is the bad guy, they reach a certain point where Lewis cant find Simon and looses him, Lewis then receives a phone call from a blocked number which happens to be Simon, he tells him that his wife is going to die and Lewis says he is not going to get away with it, Simon then replies with watch me, Lewis then panics and starts to run to try and do something to help and then receives a text from the same blocked number which reads, and yes i know she is on the train. With this Lewis starts running again and tries to get to a nearest train or train line, As he reaches a rail he can't go on anymore and puts his hands on his head, After this we see a clip of an exploded train which shows the audience that the train blew up, his wife dead and Simon the bad guy got away. This sets up the story for the whole film as we do not know what happens to Simon and the film will be based on an angry Lewis avenging his wife's death as well as another story behind it.

Frame 7- Genre and how the opening suggests it: I chose this screenshot because it shows action in the image, Lewis is climbing over a fence and Simon who is being chased is hiding behind a tree out of breath. To suggest the action genre in the opening sequence we have included a chase scene, two characters good/bad and an exploding train. The genre is suggested straight away because the music used. Typical action films use fast music to show the genre. It is also shown through the quick shots we have used, which action films use.

Frame 8- How characters are introduced: I have chosen this shot of the two characters running because this is how we have decided to introduce them in our opening sequence. We see them run past in the woods and we find out that these two are the main characters. We do not know who is the good guy and who is the bad guy until Lewis receives the phone call and finding out his wife is going to die. Having a good guy and a bad guy is one of the main parts in action films. It is quite different to typical action films as well as in some films you get to know the characters before it gets into the action, whereas we have introduced them as well as going straight to the action. The other character we have is introduced through hearing Simon saying that she is going to die, a few shots later we see her on the train and we know who she is because of the phone call. Our characters are quite similar to other action film characters.

Frame 9- Special Effects: We have a special effect in our opening sequence at the very end, if we did not have this our opening sequence would not make much sense. It is of a train after it has exploded, over the top of this we have added our own sound effects of an exploding sound. This special effect is in typical action films as many special effects are used in real films. We have also used fading titles and dip to black transitions.

Overall, I think we have used many media forms which make our opening sequence of a typical action genre.

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