Wednesday 9 December 2009

James Bond- Casino Royale Research

The reason I have chosen Casino Royale as a film to research because, it is very similar to our genre of our film and also has a chase scene right at the start of the film. After analysing this film it will hopefully give me ideas to share with the group for our last time at filming.

Opening 2 minutes- Conversation 1

The film starts with the producers appearing on screen, the next shot is in black and white, a car drives up to a big building and parks outside, it is a medium shot and is slightly looking up, the shot is setting the scene. The next thing in the shot we see is white text on the left hand side saying Prague, Czech Republic, this tells the audience where the scene is. We can hear a slight crackling noise and the sound of the car pulling up. The next shot is of an older man wearing a hat, there is a high angle shot of the man which shows that he is important. He is getting out the car, The shot is nearly a close up as most of the mans face is covering the screen. The next shot is of the elevator taking the man up. We then have another shot of him in the elevator, quite close up, we can hear the sound of the elevator going up. The next shot we see is off the number in the elevator of what floor he is going to. Floor number 3 then 4 and then 5, the screen is still black and white. The next shot is of the man walking along a path in the building, it is still a medium shot and the camera slowly follows him. We can hear footsteps, the next shot is off a door which the man then opens and walks into. We then see him walk in the room and walk very quickly into the middle of it. The next shot is of the man noticing something wrong, The camera then changes to a shot of Daniel Craig ( Who plays James Bond) sitting in a chair. We hear him start talking to him and the man looks worried. Its an over the shoulder shot looking at Daniel Craig, The next shot is a medium shot of him looking at the other man and as the camera is at a low angle, looking up at him, it makes Daniel Craig look like he has more power. We also then see a shot of the other man but he has looks like he has power still because of the angle of the camera. The next shot is a two shot of the two characters, at a level angle. The rule of thirds is used as Daniel Craig is on the left and the other man is on the right, so nothing in the shot is dead center. The older man starts walking over to James Bond. Tense, high pitched music starts to create an eerie atmosphere. The next shot is of the older man sitting on a chair and reaching into a drawer and a gun is sitting in it. It is a high angle shot looking at the gun. The next shot is a medium shot of the older man fiddling with his gloves, we can still hear the tense music. The next shot is off both of them a two shot. They are both still having there conversation. Then the same shot again of the older man, sitting on the chair. The next few shots are very quick as we see a flashback of James Bond beating a man up in the bathroom, The shots are quick to show him beating the man up from all angles and to create a sense of action and fighting.
This is what happens in the opening two minutes of this film, not alot happens but quite alot of different shots were used. This will help me with time management for the parts in our opening sequence where I am on a train, these will be slow so the audience can see whats happening and follow easily. The chase scene shot will be similar to the fighting sequence from this opening two minutes.

James Bond- Casino Royale Conversation 2

The opening for this conversation scene that i wanted to analyse starts with a young boy running along, it is a medium shot and we can see quite alot of background, We can hear rain falling and can see it, we also can hear people talking and alot of background noise. We then see titles appear, white font on the left like the first titles we saw, Mbale, Uganda. This has now set the scene for the audience, The camera then pans round and zooms forward like we are moving with it. We then see two men one in army uniform and the other in a smart suit. The man in the army clothes is playing pin ball and the other man is checking his watch. We then see the young boy we were following before reach the two men and gave them some drinks. It is still a medium shot and we can still hear rain and background noise. We then see the two men walking over to a sofa and sitting down on it with there drinks of coke. The shot is high angle looking down on the man wearing army uniform, the uniform is like khaki and camouflage. The next shot is of the young boy playing on the ping ball machine. We then have shots of the two men having a conversation, we see one man talking, then the other etc, this is a useful way of showing a conversation to the audience easily without confusion to what is happening. The next shot is of a army truck driving towards the camera and men in army uniform walking past naturally like the camera did not exist, We can also see rain and people with guns walking around in the background. We then have a low angle of the trucks driving in and then the next shot is of a man getting out the car, it is a close up of the car door. We can hear the noises of cars driving, muddy paths, rain and people talking, this helps to keep the realism.

James Bond- Casino Royale Chase

The opening for the chase scene starts with a long shot, birds eye view shot of a large group of people shouting standing in a circle. Titles appear at the same time, Saying Madagascar which has set the scene for the audience, as in the film there is alot of location change. The next shot is a medium shot of some men shouting and holding drink in there hands, the next shot after that is off a snake hissing , we can hear hissing and shouting. The next shot we see is of a ferret showing its teeth, The men are watching the animals fight for fun. The men have put bets on what animal they think will win, the next shot we see is of more men shouting and waving money in the air. The next shot is of the snake lunging at the ferret and the men shouting even more. We then see some more medium shots of more men watching the fight. We then see a man taking a swig of his drink and standing out from the crowd, the background of this shot goes out of focus as we see a man closer up come into focus. We then hear him start talking. The next shot is of Daniel Craig looking out to the group of men standing in the distance in the shadows, it is long shot of him and is slightly looking up at him. We then hear the two men start having a conversation from there headsets about the man we saw drinking. The next shot is a long shot of the animals again and the men yelling around them. The next shot if of the snake lunging for the ferret again but the ferret grabs the snake, which makes the men shout more again. The next shot is a medium shot with no angle of the man we saw drinking, he receives a text and we hear it beep, then we see him reaching into his pocket to get his phone out. The next shot is a close up of his phone and it says new message, he opens it and it says ELLIPSIS in capitals. The next shot is of him start making a move, then we see a medium shot of the man that is helping James Bond speak to his headset saying he is on the move, we can still hear men shouting. The next shot is an even further away shot of the man on the headset still talking to him. In the background we see trees and men pushing and shouting to try and see the animals fighting. The man then says he is heading straight for me, the next shot is of Daniel Craig saying stop touching your ear, the shot is quite close up to his face, the next shot is then of the man touching his ear on the headset saying sorry. Then it goes back to Daniel Craig who says put your hand down. He cannot do this in time as the man they are watching notices him with his hand to his ear, the shot is of his face, his facial expression angry. There are no angles being used for this shot. The shot is slightly over the shoulder as we can see the man with his hand to his ear slightly on the right. We then see the man quickly turn round and start running, the next shot after that is of the man on the headset looking worried and starts to run after him. He gets his gun out and we find that the man who is helping him is called Carter. As he is running through the crowd with his gun out the background goes out of focus and we see Daniel Craig start talking. He tells him to put the gun away if he wants to stay alive, the shot of Daniel Craig a low angle shot is used so we are looking up at him to show that he has power. The next shot is of the man he is chasing jumping into the center of the ring where the animals are fighting and the we see the snake hissing. The next shot is of Carter trying to do the same, but he falls into the pit and presses the gun trigger. He lands on his back and we start seeing the crowds yelling and start running away. The next few shots are quick and a handheld camera is used. We see the man who is being chased running through the pit pushing and shoving people out the way. After afew of those similar shots we then see him reaching the end of the pit to climb out. The shot then pans upwards and we see Daniel Craig standing on higher ground, this is still showing he has more power as he is higher up. A medium shot is used as we can see most of his body, he then quickly turns around to start running. Tense music starts as the chase between Daniel Craig and the other man begins. The next shot is of the man being chased running through a market. A medium shot is used and we can see food stalls and civilians walking around in the background, we can hear the tense music and the sounds of busy people around the market. The man then pushes one man out the way into the stall which shows that he is in a hurry to get away. The next shot is a birds eye view of the market and we can see the man running along the bottom of the screen and we can see Daniel Craig on the roofs of the market taking a shortcut to catch the man, the market looks poor and looks more like ruins. We can also see in this shot trees and more people. Continuity is used well here as we can see Daniel Craig jumping of the roof from where he last was from the birds eye view shot. The shot we see now is of Daniel Craig reaching the floor and in the front of the screen the man being chased sprinting across. As the man being chased goes out of shot, we then see Daniel Craig coming around the corner. Next we see the man being chased running through bushes and dirt clouds in the background, the man runs until he reaches an old car, he holds onto the roof and swings himself through as the car has no doors. The shot is a low angle shot and as he reaches the floor more dirt flies up in the screen, we then see Daniel Craig run around the outside of the car. We have a medium shot as we follow him running. The next shot is handheld as we can see the man being chased closer up and Daniel Craig just behind as they run through bushes. We then have a shot from the side of them running, still handheld and through the bushes. More similar shots are used to create tension through the bushes, the shots are quick to create speed. We then have a point of view shot of the man being chased, we see bushes in front until he reaches a wire fence. The next shot is from above slightly as we see him climbing the fence. He pushes himself over and leaps in the air, as he lands we then see him running through sand that is pouring from above. The next shot is of Daniel Craig going over backwards over the fence and landing on a pile of sand, we then see him catching his breath as he crouches down and watches the man running, the shot we then see is of the man being chased from behind and we can see that they have reached a building site. There is dust everywhere and big machines in the background. We can still hear tense music and the heavy breaths of the men running. As the man running goes out of focus a big truck comes into focus and we then see a shot of Daniel Craig getting up and running to the truck. The next shot is of the man leaping a red and white long pole and a medium shot is used. In the chase scene very simple shots have been used to keep the audience interested and not confused to who is who and where they are in the chase, as the shots are quick. We then have a more establishing shot of the building site as we see towers of building structures and men working in the background. The camera then pans down and we see the man running past the screen. An interesting shot is used next as we see some building poles and we are looking through them and we can see the man on the other side running. He then hides behind the poles to catch his breath and then reach into his pocket to get a gun out. The next shot is of us looking at him but we cannot see him yet as there are poles in the way and he slowly appears above them, We then see him start looking around, the man has scars all over his face and is wearing dirty casual clothes, He is sweaty and tired. We then have a point of view shot of him looking around for his chaser. We then have a close up of his face again looking confused to where his opponent has gone. We then start to hear crashing noises and he raises his gun, we then see a shot of the truck we saw before crashing through a building and people scattering around it. The next shot is of it from its side as we see it crashing its way through fences on the building site coming towards the man now with his gun out. He then starts shooting and we have a close up of this, we can hear the sound of the vehicle driving and the sound of the bullet firing and hitting glass. The next shot is a close up of Daniel Craig through the glass driving and we can see bullet holes appearing around him on the glass.

I watched this chase scene and decided to write about it because it is very similar to our chase scene and i wanted to get more ideas from it, it is similar to ours because it involves a chase scene and a gun.
I have found that we have been looking at the wrong type of music and all we need is something simple but tense, I have also found that our costumes will be fine as theirs are pretty simple, but they are wearing less as they are in a hot country.
Here are some screen shots/grabs of the film:

To view the images bigger click on them and then press back to go back to the blog.

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