Friday 4 December 2009

Order Of Shots

This is the order of our shots we would like to do so far:

  • Medium-Low Angle shot covered with half a tree on the right, we see Simon run past and then Lewis just behind.

  • We then have an over the shoulder shot from Lewis running after Simon (So we are looking at Simons back

  • We then have a medium/long shot of Simon and Lewis running

  • We then have a more distant shot of them both running from behind

  • We then see Simon chuck his bag

  • We then have a close up of the bag on the floor in the bush and see Lewis feet run past

  • We then see them running again (Think of a different shot)

  • We then have a shot to see Simon turning round to see where Lewis is

  • We then have an establishing shot of the lake and a Long distance of Simon standing by the lake.

  • We have a shot of Simon who is turning clockwise and the camera is turning anti-clockwise

  • We have a point of view shot from Lewis in the bush looking at Simon and see Simon running and throwing the piece of paper in the lake

  • We then have a close up of the paper in the lake

  • We then go back to Simon and have a close up of his head as he hears a click

  • And then we have a medium shot of a gun to Simons head

  • Screen goes black and we hear a gun shot as the title appears

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