Wednesday 16 December 2009

Order of Shots-More Detail using Storyboard

We will have to write about our order of shots in more detail and as much as we can write about them. We will use our Storyboard to help us with writing our detailed shots.

Shot 1-Our very first shot is of a tree covering half the screen (the left side) and we can see the background dead brushes and trees. We can also see a muddy path and then Simon run past, shortly followed by Lewis. We will hear footsteps running, slight breathing and fast non-digetic music in the backgorund. It will be a low angle shot looking up at them running from the ground. It will be a mid shot of them running. They will be wearing casual/disguised clothes to hid there identity and will look mysterious. There is quick editing of the shots to create speed as our genre is action and they are running. We then see the co prouders of our film flash on screen. Black background and white font, in the center of the screen so its your main focus.

Shot 2- We have an OTS, medium shot of Lewis' back looking Simon running infront of him. Its a high angle shot as Lewis is tall and we are looking down. We can see the trees and bushes again and more of the muddy path. They are wearing the same clothes as the first shot and Simon is wearing a back pack. Lewis is chasing Simon down the path. The camera is handheld and shaky so it looks more realistic you can hear the non-digetic fast music and can hear there breathing and footsteps. We then see a title saying directed by in white font on a black background in the center of the screen.
Shot 3- The next shot we see is of Lewis and Simon running again, we have lots of these type of shots as it is a chase scene and we need lots of shots to create speed. This is a medium shot of them, It will be a center angle so that we can see them both and they wont be slanted or slighly higher or lower. You can see both of them in the shot, and the camera is hand held and shaky, this is to help create realism of them running. We can see Lewis closer and Simon getting away just infront, in the background we see the trees and bushes they are running past. We can hear the music that will be in the background throughout these shots, it is fast paced and to keep the chase feel. We will also be able to hear footsteps and heavy breathing.
Shot 4- This shot is off Lewis running we cannot see Simon in this shot, it is slighly low angle so we can see him as having more power. It is also another medium shot, We will still be hearing and seeing all of the above.
Shot 5- This shot will be similar to shot 3, we will see Lewis chasing Simon again and it will be a medium shot, our aim is to create speed of the chase using the shots. We will still be hearing the background noise, footsteps, Breathing and fast music throughout. We will also still see the background bushes, mud and trees.
Shot 6- In shot 6 we will see Lewis nearly catching up with Simon but then he starts pulling away again, it will still be a medium shot as we do not want to confuse the audience with all the different shot types from different angles at the moment. We will hear all of the above and see all of the same background scenery.
Shot 7- Shot 7 is very similar to shot 2, it will be in over the shoulder shot of Lewis looking at Simon as he is getting away and Lewis starts to speed up. We are looking down at Simon as Lewis is the more powerful person, the camera will still be handheld. It will be a medium distance to long shot for this shot as they is a fair distance between the two running. We will hear even heavier breathing as they are getting even more tired from running. The fast music will still be playing.

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