Tuesday 26 January 2010

New Opening 2 minutes Film Treatment

We have decided to change our opening two minutes because we think our opening relies too much on the chasing and we also thought that there wasn't enough dialogue in our old idea so we have more added a longer conversation.We now have the chase scene at the start, but we have shortened it considerably from about 90 seconds to 30-40. This means we don't have to rely on the chase scene being good and if the scene isn't good then it would be difficult to see which genre it is. We also think that if the chase goes on for too long then it may become boring for the audience and they may lose interest in the film.After the chase scene the two have a conversation about a train that is planned to be blown up by the new terrorism group that has been set up recently and tells Lewis that his wife is on the certain train which is due to blow up in 9 minutes according to the terrorist. He shoots him and then you see him running towards the train tracks, and a train goes past, then Lewis falls to his knees as the train goes into the distance.It then cuts to Amy (who is playing Lewis' wife) is on the train listening to her iPod, then we have slow, consoling sort of music with the ticking starting quite slow and quiet and then speeds up to a long beep. and goes black.We then put a video of a real train that was on fire and show it as a news report, with a narration over the top explaining what has happened which gives the audience an overview of what they have seen all summarised very quickly and easily for everyone to understand.But at the moment we are unsure weather we are allowed to use a video that we have found on YouTube even if we only use it for 10 seconds, so we have asked and are waiting to find out before we doing any filming and if we aren't allowed we will have to make changes accordingly.

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