Monday 9 November 2009

Opening Title of Films-Horror/Thriller

One of the first genre's we are looking at is Horror. We watched the beginning of Scream and made notes on the Sound, shots, titles used in the first few minutes of the film.

  • In the title sequence the producers (eg.Dimension films for scream) is shown, some producers do a certain genre of film.

  • It starts with eerie music to set the mood of the film, and Non-Digetic sound of screams which engages the audience right from the start

  • There is a black screen for suspense and then the title SCREAM appears in the centre which makes the title our main focus, the writing has blood around it which fits the horror genre well.

  • Sound Effects-We then hear more sound effects of the phone ringing, we have a close up on the object which shows the audience this will play an important prop in the film.

  • We then see an establishing shot of the house with trees surrounding around so we know the house is not on a busy road and could be in the middle of nowhere. We can also see that it is night which helps set the horror genre. We can also hear crickets in the background that symbols silence so where she is is very quiet.

  • She is alone in the house.

  • The phone rings again and the girl who is home alone answers and there is a creepy voice down the other end, the man starts having a conversation with the girl and starts asking personal questions. She hangs up and we hear the popcorn in the background popping, this is a very unsettling sound and makes people very umcomfortbale.

  • The phone rings and she answers again and they have another long conversation, she is the typical victim and her "attacker" is drawing her in to his plan.

  • A point of view shot is used to see outside her house, the attacker starts to threaten the girl and sound is used to create tension.

Another film which has a simliar genre is Se7en, a thriller. In the start of this film lots of flashing images of horrible things are shown to make the audience feel uneasy, we see images of a man crossing peoples eyes and faces out and then him slicing his own fingers so he has not got a finger print and then later we see them bandaged up. We also hear tense music which creates a horrible atmosphere to the film. We can also hear a heartbeat which is very commonly used in horror/thriller films to create an uncomfortable feeling.

Things you will see in a title sequence.

  • Production company and Logo

  • Actors/Actresses

  • Title of Film

  • Casting

  • Music

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