Monday 16 November 2009

Ideas For My Film Opening Sequence- Film Treatment (Opening 2 minutes)

One of our first ideas is a romantic comedy. Our idea is set in the park, the female is walking her dog in the park and a group of boys are playing football, there is happy music playing in the background as she walks around the park and they are playing football, the ball then accidently gets kicked into her face and she goes flying to the floor. The music stops as she gets hit.
Props-A dog, a football.
Costume- Football kit/ Tracksuit. Casual Dog walking clothes
Sound- Happy upbeat music
Sound Effects- Ball hitting face or Dog Barking
Location and Scene- Park, House
Editing- Slow paced editing to focus on story

Starts with a black screen and the happy music plays in the background(Non digetic sound) the producers appear and then the film name actors and actresses and then the director. We then see shots showing both stories happening at the same time ( Girl at home getting ready to take dog for a walk and seeing her in her house and Boy playing football in park with his friends) We see the girl walk out her house and towards the park in a good mood, then we see boy playing football and having fun with friends. She reaches the park and starts walking round, we have an establishing shot of the park and see all the people. The dog runs faster and pulls her towards were they are playing football as she gets closer the ball hits her in the face we see her fall to the floor and says Ouch. Boy who kicked it runs over to see if she is ok and they start talking.
(Approx 2 mins)

Camera Angles- Equal Angles to show that the characters in the story are equal.

I think are idea and the romantic comedy will be a good idea for us as it will be different from other genres people will choose. There is plenty of music to find to fit with the genre as the theme of music is very popular, location and setting will be easy.

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