Friday 26 February 2010

Filming Today

Today we are filming the train scene after school, we are also going to use the cameras over the weekend.

In this scene it is me on a train, just before it blows up and I am sitting down looking out the window. I then get my phone out my pocket and text Lewis for the last time, even though I do not know its the last.

Order of Shots:
  • Looking at me, sitting on the train, looking out the window, medium shot.
  • Closer shot of me getting my phone out.
  • OTS of me looking at the phone.
  • Close up of text
  • Long shot of me on train again.

We may have a shot of the actual train driving along.

Thursday 11 February 2010

Time over the next few weeks.

I have been helping Alana, Hannah and Laura's media as I am a character in there Media, so will start focusing on mine more after half term.

We will not be able to do filming over half term as other people who haven't started filming need the cameras and Lewis and Simon are away anyway.

We hope to start filming again after half term, the first week back.

During the week after half term we would like to get the conversation out the way first so we will film that and then after that is finished we will start filming the train scene, after that we will just need to edit it together properly and then evaluate.

Typical Audience Member For Our Film

We are going to make some typical audience members of our film.

Name: John Smith
Age: 22
Enjoys: Action Films and Horror.
Favourite Part in a Film: I like the chase scenes in action films.
Occupation: Police Officer.

The film we are making is suitable for John Smith because our genre is what he enjoys watching, He is in the expected age region for our film. It is also suitable for him as he enjoys chase scenes which we have included in our opening sequence.

Name: Sam Bob
Age: 40
Enjoys: Drama, Action and Science Fiction
Favourite Part in a Film: Explosions and Fighting
Occupation: Mechanic

The film we are making is suitable because he enjoys action films and also drama, which are film has a short clip in. He is also in the suitable age for our film which we expected to come to our film after our questionairre. It is also suitable because we have a train explostion in our opening sequence.

Wednesday 10 February 2010

Starting to Edit

We have started editing or opening two minutes. We have not finished filming at this point but we need to start editing as we are running out of time.

So far we have edited about one minute of our opening sequence. So far we are struggling with titles and making them animated. As our film is supposed to be quick because of the action and the chase scenes we have had to make our shots quick. At the moment it looks a bit silly and is hard to tell what the actual finished product will look like, because of the jumping and fuzziness of when we are watching it on the screen. We think it is doing this because the computers are not fast enough for the software.

We have decided to make all the shots look good and the continuity as good as we can get it.
We have also looked at adding special effect titles to our opening sequence. Using a template on Adobe I cut and paste it onto paint and made it more simple, We did not use it in the end as we thought it looked very unproffessional and made our film look really bad. More Simple titles looked much better for us as our shots are very quick. This is an example of one of the made templates.

Monday 8 February 2010

New Script after Problems

After realising we had problems with our script we decided to start fresh and think of a new one. We needed Simon to mention to Lewis that his wife is going to die and we also needed Simon ending up getting shot. This was what we came up with

Simon- Your supposed to be finding me, not losing me.
Lewis-I will get you eventually, might aswell come out now.
Simon-What, so you can shoot me...You don't want that, I have information.
Lewis- I know, thats why im here
Simon-No you dont, its about your wife...
Lewis- (Looks angry)
Simon- On a train to London I believe, what would you say if I dunno... the train blew up.
Lewis- (Looks angrier) You cant hide forever
Simon- You better go find her (Twig Snaps, Lewis notices Simon and shoots him)
(Simon falls to the floor and we see Lewis running off)

Then cuts to train scene and Lewis running.

These are the shots we may use for the conversation.

Simon- OTS shot of Lewis looking for Simon in bushes
Lewis- Point of View from Simon looking at Lewis
Simon- Looking at Lewis looking around then skip to a close up
Lewis- Looking at Simon in bushes from behind
Simon- Close up of Simon
Lewis- See's his facial expression
Simon- Point of view from Simon again, Then close up of Lewis still looking
Lewis-Distant shot of Lewis
Simon- See Simon start trying to move away, then a shot of a twig snapping, see Lewis turn around and then shoots Simon
We then see the shot of Simon falling and Lewis starting to run.

(We are having quite afew problems with script and will keep trying to improve it)

Filming 7th of February

We had another go at filming on the weekend this time we decided to film the conversation part again. The reason we wanted to film this part again was because the sound was very quiet and we needed more ideas for types of shots. When we reached our location we wasted 10 minutes trying to find the best place to film and then trying to find the hole in the camera for the microphone, another problem we soon would find is that the microphone was not long enough and we needed the pole to stick it on which we did not have, my sister had to help and try to stretch it out as far as she could to where the sound was coming from. Eventually we managed to get sorted and started filming, we re-done the end of the chase just before the conversation and then we got stuck and could not think of any ideas of shots and what the conversation could be. Simon decided that our script was rubbish and that we needed to think of a new one. After thinking of a new script and afew tantrums we decided to just film something and see what it came out like, I ended up finding myself being made to go through lots of thorn bushes to get more imaginative shots. We only had about 20 seconds of footage and we had been at the location for around 2 hours. As it was so cold we decided that was enough for today and went home.
We then discussed what we needed to improve for next time, the first thing that came to mind was preparation. When we start filming next we will need to be more prepared for what needs to be done. Other this week we will need to think about a new script and how we can make it sound better but get Simon telling Lewis that his wife is going to die.
Over half term we will not be able to do any filming as Lewis and Simon are away the whole week and I can't do it by myself. Before half term we will have to have another go at filming maybe the train scene and get that out the way and then we will also need to carry on editing what we have as we are running out of time.

Tuesday 2 February 2010

Costume and Actors and Quality of Footage

This is a video of our Actors in there costume. (Sorry about laughing :) ) As you can see the quality of the film is very bad as we did not know we had to change what we were saving the video as. We have experimented with different types of save files such as Adobe, MPEG, Windows Media file. So far we have had problems with viewing the footage without it being jittery.

Monday 1 February 2010

What we will be filming next

The next time we are filming it will be the train scene. Where I am on a train on my way to London just before the train blows up. I will be wearing casual but smart clothes. To film this part on a train we will have to buy travel cards for the day just in case it takes too long to film. We may also not be allowed to film so we will have to be quick.

After we have filmed that if we have time we will do a scene at the end where Lewis sees a news report on the TV of the train explosion.

When that is done if we have time we will be re-filming the conversation as the sound was not very good quality.

Uploading Problems

I have spoken to other groups doing media studies and have found that we are all having problems with uploading. The videos do not seem to want to upload to blogger or YouTube so at the moment we can not get our videos up. This will be a major problem later on as we need the evidence up to show we have practiced and the final film outcome. We will see what happens and keep trying to upload videos.

Sunday 31st January Filming

We had another shot at filming at the location with our new costume, script and storyline. We had a problem with Lewis' costume, his trousers ripped and we had to go to the shop and buy some safety pins to fix it. After that we reached the location and set up the camera. We started filming again from scratch at the beginning, we added some new shots to add more variety to it. We then filmed the speaking part of the film. We struggled to make it more realistic and not funny.

We may have to film the conversation part again if we have time once we have the rest of the footage.